Homelessness: A Family Affair

Homelessness: A Family Affair is a video that informs viewers about family homelessness. The motion graphic corresponds with the mobile exhibition Drifting and is intended to play on a loop within the exhibition. The video informs viewers through the use of type and hand drawn illustrations. The illustrations extend off a single line that continues throughout the video. A cardboard background and marker like typeface are used in conjunction with the drawings to mimic the quality of a homeless sign. All illustration were drawn on paper, digitized inPhotoshop, then animated in After Effects.

  • 2019

  • Motion Graphic

  • Digital

A Family Affair

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Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration