
Soha Aftab, Melanie Riojas, Zaria Steele

Ever had artist block you just can't shake? Try Creativi-Tea, the perfect drink to cure that artist block blues. Creativi-Tea is a short infomercial for the fictional product, Creativi-Tea. Created in collaboration with Zaria Steele and Soha Aftab. Responsible for initial product idea, story idea, product and logo design and editing and compositing. Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro.

  • 2022

  • Infomercial

  • Concept, Editing, Product Design

A Family Affair

Here you can type some desciption.

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration